Friday, May 9, 2014

bloom where you are planted.

I cannot tell you how many times I have started and stopped writing in a journal throughout my life. I think the only time I actually finished a journal was when I was in middle school. Can you blame me? Those are tumultuous years, there was a lot to write about. So fast forward almost 20 years and here I am, starting a new journal, of sorts. But this time, its more about answering a tug at my heart than purging my problems. Don't get me wrong, I may speak of my problems every once in a while- I am human after all. But mostly, this is about blooming- right here, right where God has settled me as the mother of a big eyed, precious, little girl and a baby boy growing in my belly, as a wife to a man that doesn't just tell me he loves me but shows me everyday, as a local yoga instructor, and as a person who just wants to live in a way that is joy inducing and simple but struggles daily with thinking the 'grass is greener', letting go, being present, and remembering that God is on my side. 

There's this Leonard Cohen song called "Anthem"- it was introduced to me by someone that helped me through a very difficult time in my life. It says, "Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in." I guess you can say this has become my life motto. If there is one thing that life has taught me over and over again, it is that the best lessons, the greatest outcomes, the biggest "ah ha" moments come straight from the cracks. And striving for perfection rather than embracing your imperfections is pretty boring.

So join me on this journey of blooming up through the cracks and letting the light in. Won't you?